Books & Papers

Refereed Journal Articles:

Kubacki, S.R., & Chase, M. (1998). Relating underlying values to basic methods and processes in cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapy: Commonalities and differences. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 8 (1), 1-25.

Kubacki, S.R. (1994). Applying Habermas’s theory of communicative action to values in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 31, 463-477.

Gluck, J. P. & Kubacki, S.R. (1991). Animals in biomedical research: The undermining effect of the rhetoric of the besieged. Ethics and Behavior, 1(3), 157-173.

Smith, J. E., Hillard, M. C., Walsh, R. A., Kubacki, S.R. & Morgan, C. D. (1991). Rorschach assessment of purging/nonpurging bulimics. Journal of Personality Assessment, 56(2), 277- 88.

Book Chapter:

Kubacki, S.R (1995). An intersubjective approach to assessing and treating ego defenses using the MCMI-III. In P. Retzlaff (Ed.), Tactical psychotherapy of the personality disorders: An MCMI-III based approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


Gluck, J. P., Kubacki, S.R, & McDermott, M. (1986). Readings in the experience of psychology,  Part II. Acton, Mass: Copley Press.


Kubacki, S.R. (2004). Techno-Spirituality and Reality Engineering: Emerging Ideals as Illusion? In the symposium (Chair): Paradox of Ideals—The Unattainable as Tyranny and Torment. Conference of the APA, Honolulu, July 28.

Kubacki, S.R. (2003). Pedagogical and clinical training issues in a MS program: nutrition/dietetics and clinical health psychology.  In the symposium (Chair), Integrating health  psychology and nutrition MS programs: A new educational frontier and alternative to prescription privileges. Conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, March 21.

Kubacki, S.R., Golden, S., Wood, M. (2003). Expanding the scope of psychologists through nutritional and dietary counseling: foundation or alternative to prescription privileges?  In the symposium (Chair), Integrating health psychology and nutrition MS programs: A new educational frontier and alternative to prescription privileges. Annual Conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, March 21.

Kubacki, S.R. (2002). Treating the many faces of depression: Issues of compliance and resistance. Conference on Nutrition and Mental Health. Kenmore, WA, May 4.

Kubacki, S.R. (2000). Making psychoanalytic sense of modern divinatory practices: Guided imagery and spiritual journeying. Fifth Delphi International Psychoanalytic Conference, Greece, July 25-30.

Kubacki, S.R. (1996). Spiritual values and the nonconceptual in mainstream psychotherapies.            Symposium on Understanding/Addressing Values in Psychotherapy: The Role(s) of Spirituality/Religion. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the APA, Toronto, August.

Kubacki, S.R.  (1996). Emancipatory or repressive action in psychotherapy. Symposium on Values in Psychotherapy: What, Where, How? Presentation at the Annual Convention of the APA, Toronto, August.

Kubacki, S.R. & LaPierre, K.L. (1995). The role of value change and concordance in individual psychotherapy outcome. Symposium on Recent Measures of Values in Psychotherapy at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Vancouver,  Can., June 21-24.

Kubacki, S.R. (1995). Assessing learning disabilities in college students: A developmental perspective. Panel member in a symposium about learning disabilities, U. of Wyoming.

Kubacki, S.R. (1994). A cross-cultural comparison of mental health values and therapeutic methods. Symposium on Values in Psychotherapy at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research in York, England, June 28-July 2.

Paper Presentations:

Kubacki, S.R. (2008).  Accessing God through the psychology of incompleteness and
uncertainty.  Division 36, Psychology of Religion, APA Conference, Boston, August 14-18.

Kuback, S.R. (2008). The roots of inhumanity: The psychopathology of certainty and
completeness. Division 32, Humanistic Psychology, APA Conference, Boston, August 14-18.

Kubacki, S.R., and Meeker, L. (1996).  Language variability as a comparative basis for examining self-report and projective tests. XV International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods. Boston, July 8-12.

Kubacki, S.R. & Rock, J. (1995). Relating political discourse to politician and voter personalitydynamics. Annual Convention of the APA, New York, August.

Kubacki, S.R. (1993). Relating values and methods in cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapy. Annual Convention of the APA, Toronto, August.

Gluck, J. P. & Kubacki, S.R. (1990). Ethical issues regarding animals in biomedical research Conference on Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research, University of Missouri, Columbia.

Kubacki, S.R. (1989). The communicative basis of values: Implications for an ecological agenda. Second Annual Green Assembly, Eugene, Oregon.

Kubacki, S.R. (1989). Revisioning the mental health industry. Symposium on Health at the 2nd Annual Green Assembly, Eugene, Oregon .

Kubacki, S.R. (1988). Habermas’s theory of communicative action: Applying it to treatment outcome research. Annual Convention of the APA, Atlanta.

Poster Presentations:

Kubacki, S.R. (2009). Re-visioning economics through psychology: The materialization of the imaginative.  Division 24, Theoretical Psychology, APA Conference, Toronto, August 8-11.

Kubacki, S.R., Surwiec, S., & Plummer, L. (1996). Aesthetic preferences and their relation to personality. Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, Denver, March 8-10.

Kubacki, S.R., Burkhalter, N., & Harris, L. (1995). Using metaphorical titles to romote critical reading. Annual Convention of the APA, New York, August.

Kubacki, S.R. (1993). Principle component analyses of values and methods in  cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapy. Fifth APS Annual Convention in Chicago, June.

Smith, J. E., Kubacki, S.R., & Adams, R. (1986). Using psychophysiology to identify underlying Issues in bulimia. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago.


Kubacki, S.R. (2005). Improving the clinical supervision of naturopathic, acupuncture, counseling, and nutrition/dietetic students.  Bastyr Center for Natural Medicine, Seattle, January 22.

Kubacki, S.R. (2003). Applying empirically based nutritional and naturopathic interventions to wellness and mental health diagnoses: an integrative mind-body approach and alternative to prescription privileges. Washington State Psychological Association, Chair, November 8.

Kubacki, S.R. (2000). Integrating Psychotherapy and Alternative Medicine. Washington State Psychological Association, Chair, October 14.

Kubacki, S. (1996). ADHD as poor fit between child’s temperament and environment. Head Start Program in Laramie.

Kubacki, S.R. (1996). ADHD as temperament mismatch: The middle ground between myth and epidemic. Wyoming Center for Teaching and Learning-Laramie.

Kubacki, S.R. & Stubbs, J. (1995).  Developmental perspectives on ADHD and its co-occurrence with other disorders: Assessment and treatment issues. Half-day workshop presented through the Albany County School District, February 25.


Kubacki, S.R. (2005). Happiness and money. Health and Wise Newsletter, 6, 2-3. Seattle: Bastyr Center for Natural Health.

Radio Interviews:

Kubacki, S.R. (1997). Psychology and health. KUWR, Wyo. Public Radio.

Kubacki, S.R. (1996). The crisis of attentional disorders in children. KUWR, Wyo. Public Radio.